Custom Graduate Admission Essay for Environmental Program

Essay (first paragraph):

I view myself as someone who has an excellent educational background and relevant work experiences. But more than these attributes, I believe I also have the right leadership skills, honed by years of experience as a district sales supervisor. I believe I am adept at communication, planning, and organizing. More than having the desire and the commitment to lead, however, I am also a good follower and valuable team player. And with my undergraduate training on Urban and Regional Planning and my research on Regional Development Strategy and Policy in Kuningan Regency, I understand the relevance and value of a graduate program on Energy and Environment for my career objectives.


I. Statement of career objectives

I chose the statement of career objectives as an introduction to my essay because I want to show the admissions officers what my motivations are for taking up a graduate program on Energy and Environment. These objectives also show the following:

1. My viewpoint on the relevance of energy conservation for the environment
2. My capacities in organizing, planning, and research, based on my work experiences
3. My desire to be able to contribute to the environmental development of Indonesia

II. Indonesia and its environment

Here, I have included some information about Indonesia and its environmental setting, as well as stress on the importance of using renewable energy sources, which have remained naturally abundant in the country. Through regional and local planning, I believe it is possible to achieve sustainable development in the country through the use of energy sources, which do not alter the ecological balance in the environment. By taking up a graduate program on Energy and Environment, I believe I can make a valuable contribution to Indonesia, through regional planning offices that serve to organize development and environmental projects on a regional and local scope.

III. My qualifications as an applicant

In this part, I would like to emphasize my educational background and my work experience as important tools in my goal to get into the graduate program.

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