Avionics as the Catalyst for an International Market

As more and more information is poured in avionics, the quality of air transportation increases as time goes by. With speed and safety being the primary considerations for every travel option, the challenges of developing and creating aircrafts that would meet the needs of the changing economy has become an all important goal to achieve. As these goals are met, the globe becomes smaller still. While the demand for air travel increases and ease of which is improved, the pathway to access from one land to another has become possible for those who want a global reach. As a result, avionics has the power to bring people together, introducing cultures and promoting worldwide unity that transcends several aspects.


I. Introduction

A. The impact of air travel in creating a more united, culture conscious globe
B. Pursuing the development and creation of higher quality air travel as a catalyst for a more accessible environment
C. The importance of both safety and speed in developing air transportation that would satisfy the demands of the fast growing industry
D. Avionics being the latest and most promising trend that would catapult air travel into higher quality proportions
E. I have decided to earn a Bachelor’s degree in the aviation field in the hope of expanding my current knowledge as well as working with the current shift in aviation trend with the focus more on avionics rather than on the mechanic aspects.

II. My achievements as a student and as a professional

A. As a student, I achieved my diploma in aviation from ____________.
B. I have worked as a Boeing 747 Airframe Technician with experience spanning up to five years.
C. During my working years, I have accomplished various tasks including major operations that include replacement of landing gears as well as necessary airframe system repairs.

III. Why I chose this school

A. Curriculum – _________________ provides the best curriculum that would meet my educational goals.
B. Environment ? the current settings supplied by institution, both academically and physically are conducive in inspiring me to pursue my goals.
C. Quality Education ? the quality of education made available to the students is high quality and globally competitive.

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