Looking for Scholarships for Special Needs Students

In a world that is aiming to be increasingly politically correct, there are more avenues opened for different types of people. So whatever background, religious affiliation, ethnicity and nationality a person has, it will have an equivalent supporting scholarship. It is just fair to also have opportunities for people with special needs. After all, special needs students may need extra expenses during the course of their studies.

Types of special needs scholarships

There are several categories of special needs scholarships that they can almost compete with the number of general scholarships out there. The reason behind this is that special needs people are not one-dimensional students that can be labeled with what most perceive to be their disability. They can also be labeled by their chosen fields and their outstanding skills.

Disability scholarships

Disability scholarships refer to grants that are given based on a physical constraint, such as blindness or deafness. Blind or deaf students need special equipment.

Illness scholarships

Students with cancer, diabetes and other potentially debilitating or expensive to treat illnesses may also avail of scholarships.

Level of education

As with the rest of the other students, special needs students can apply for college, masters and professional degree scholarships.

Merit-based scholarships

Being special needs does not equate to not having any talent or degree of academic skill. Special needs students can apply for merit-based scholarships as well.

Photo Credits: Ed Yourdon

Source: Different Dream

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